Mozilla Firefox's Keyboard shortcuts:
Shortcut Function of Shortcut
1. Ctrl + N To Open a New Window in Mozilla
2. Ctrl + D To Add a Bookmark in Mozilla
3. Ctrl + B To Open Bookmarks Tab in Mozilla's Sidebar
4. Ctrl + W To Close Current Tab in Mozilla Firefox
5. Ctrl + F4 To Close Opened Tab
6. Ctrl + Minus (-) To Make Text Size Smaller in Firfox
7. Ctrl + Plus (+) To Make Text Size Larger in Browser
8. Ctrl + J To See the List of Downloads
9. Ctrl + F To Search and Find a Word in Opened Page
10. Ctrl + H To see History
11. Ctrl + T To Launch a New Tab in Mozilla Firfox
12. Ctrl + N To Open A Window in Browser
13. Ctrl + Tab Goto the Next Tab
14. Ctrl + Shift + Tab Goto the Previous Tab
15. Ctrl + O To Choose a File to Open in Browser
16. Ctrl + P To Print The Current Opened Window
17. Ctrl + Enter This will Open URL in New Tab
18. Ctrl + F5 To Reload the Whole Page and Also
Reload All Cookies.
19. Ctrl + S To Save a Web Page or Any Document.
20. Ctrl + L To Goto The URL Box
21. F5 To Reload All Page without Reloading Cookies
22. Shift + Delete To Delete a Form of a Person
23. Alt + Home To Goto the Homepage of Browser
24. Alt + F4 To Close All Tabs (To Close Browser)
25. Alt + Enter Browser Will Launch Save as Target Box
These are some Few Shortcuts that i know. Please Comment here If you any Other. This will helpful for other Readers.
Thanks and Enjoy Wiki For You.